Saturday, November 10, 2018

Use The Dark

I bought two new types of colors. One is Turquoise Deep the other is Payne's Gray heavy body. Now yes I have used these colors before but not the heavy body which just means it is more concentrated.

By using the two colors together I can blend a real dark and deep color in the lower half of the painting. Then with the yellow and white I can bring up the light in the field.  This adds mystery to the painting. The buildings in the back ground look old and creates a place for us to go.

I have thought about a fence post or even a tree stump in the fore ground. I am not sure I want to do that yet.

With acrylics I can create a wash on the canvas to cover other colors and make new or blended colors.

Enjoy and let me know if you are blending color.

Keep your brushes wet!


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