Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cook Out is 'ole Hat

A few years ago we (The Watkins Family) started a tradition of the summer cook out. Every year we try to do a different theme.

This is son Jon modeling the Tex-Mex cookout theme. Everyone had a mustache. As dad said not everyone can wear a mustache.

What does this have to do with painting you ask. Well this year we are honoring our hero Bob Ross. In fact we are doing Ka-Bob Ross cook out.

All the food will be a shish kabob the meats, the veggies and etc then we will paint a picture for Watkins Warriors (tm) against cancer!

The painting is like so many other mass paintings. Only this is a special "warrior" painting. I hope to teach the basic how to, and everyone takes one home.

Well keep your sauce hot and your hat on!
and your brushes wet!


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