Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cheeky Monkey - Chilli's Monkey

Last Wednesday we ate at Chilli's in Columbus. On the wall they have all types of sport and food signs and posters. This Monkey, Deena, was in a chilli cook off.

Well if you know any artist something just hits you and you have to draw it. This was the case with this monkey. Had to!

When I got home the next day I sketched him or her out. From the napkin to the gray paper. With some colored pencils and a number 2 drawing pencil - boom. A monkey in color.

The start of this project was the mouth and the oval that is the mug or "mush" face. When you are waiting for your food this is a great way to kill some time and not play on the phone and learn something.

Now about the cowboy hat on a monkey, why? Well it was a chilli cook off so why not?

So as we keep our brushes wet and pencils sharp paint on.


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