Monday, July 17, 2017

Signs of Summer

Flowers are a sign of summer. We plant and dig and weed. Just so the bees have something to do in the day time. I really think we enjoy looking at the blooms.

As an artist I look to paint them. Sadly this year the bunny rabbits were so plentiful and ate my sprouts.
So no giant Sunflowers for me. But next year I will win the bunny wars!

I looked into the various artist that painted Sunflowers, Van Gogh, Monet, and other impressionist were but a few that have painted my favorite flower.  It seems as though the tall flower is a favorite of all artist.

I know in Europe they have fields of the golden giants. I would think in the USA they are grown as well.
So a field of the beauty's would be common fare for a landscape of them.

Well get your canvas out and get your brushes wet and sunflower on!


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