Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Part of the Chemo Series

This is one of the watercolors I do in my journal every week. I relax and take my IV of chemo, the watercolor  is almost like a sedative.

What do you look for in a painting or a piece of art? Depth, detail? Is it harmony of color? or the way the artist pulled you into the painting?

I think it must be all of these things and more, like a good POP song It must have a hook and a repeatable theme. Something that is a draw to you the viewer.

This is a barn we have all seen some where, either in Pennsylvania or Ohio or maybe in Germany.  As a young boy I worked for a farmer who's barn was like this.  It is called a bank barn because of the ramp, or bank up to the main floor.

What are the things you look for in life? Harmony, detail, or balance?

So I say let's get out our brushes and dip in and keep them wet!!!


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