Sunday, January 29, 2017

What do I want / Reflections?

I saw Bob Ross do these fantastic reflections and I thought," I can do that."

Is it exactly like Bob's ? no. It's like me and my hand. But it was a fun learning experience.

Just like any thing else in life if you want it bad enough and are will to work for it you can have it! Red Skeleton the old Comedian of my childhood was a great painter and even greater clown / comic actor. He was very poor growing up in Indiana and wanted to paint, he pulled hair from his head and made his own brushes. If there is a will there is a way.

Someone said,"Where do I start? "  Start where you are is my answer. grab something a go to it. Paint with a kids watercolor, or Tempera, or even crayons.

These Birch trees, (I love them) are white and gray gesso mirrored above and below. Then I added a thin coat of liquid clear (tm BRS co.) and painted Alizarin Crimson and Prussian Blue on the sides and middle.
When I do the reflections these colors will show up giving a glow to the painting.
This is going to be a two or three part post. Hopefully to inspire you to paint like crazy or maybe like me LOL.

Well get the liquid white and our palette knife we're going to get our brushes wet!


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