Monday, February 13, 2017

Distance - Near and Far

This pix tells the story of distance near and far. If you would draw a line from the little bush in the front of the picture to the sunset in the distance you would see the value change and the line of distance.

Find the horizion, then begin to divide on the  axis of the point of the sun, draw lines from that point to the front of the picture.  These divisions will show your scale of a "vanishing point".

This picture is a great example of thirds and distance.  I  would say you must think of a large X with an I in the center of it. This is how it is determined to create your point, or Vanishing point. Then all scale or details come from that point outward.

Also look at the lay of the land or the "flow" how the picture moves from left to right.  That is what create more interest and besides that it is a great photograph.

Well get your charcoal and brushes and dip in!


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