Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tide Rolls in With new Time.

I've shown this several times it is the beach in Destin, Florida. But today it reminds me about the time change. ( Which we all hate.) Time just keeps on rolling in.

Okay about 4 a.m. I woke up and looked at the clock, I tried to figure out did I change the time? So for the next two hours I tossed and turned half asleep half awake. Fussing with the time problem.

At 6 a.m. I don't know which side I am on I get up only to realize I am on the early side of time change.

Whew to much information. So I go to each appliance in the kitchen, It's like a different time zone in there. Now I began the task of setting the different times. Everyone is with in a minute or two of Uncle Bud mean time.

I just want to stick with painting.

Keep your Bushes wet and your clock set!


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