Monday, November 20, 2017

Woman with Mirror

Okay how many of us feel this way when we look in the mirror? Not like a woman, but all mixed up. Picasso was the master in mixing parts up, better than Frankenstein.

I have never liked Picasso I  did not understand his point of view, until I saw an exhibition of his work. At the age of 14 he was a master artist. He Painted realistic but began to change. Then he when to Paris painting every style he could.

Finally he found his style, it was this parts and design of division. A Cubist style came from this also.

So Just because you don't like it does not mean it "ain't" art. Is this freaky? Yup!   So check out other styles and kinds of art you may like it.

So as I always say...Keep your brushes wet and your pencils sharp.


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