Thursday, March 8, 2018

What's my style?

Is it a new game show? What is my style? No! It is a look at all the pictures you draw and paint. I look back at some of my early projects, like the cowboy on a horse.

One of the biggest challenges I have always had is I rush through many projects just to finish. I admit it. But beyond that I have a large set of hands. Thus My style is more cartoonish or even drawing near the realest. I wanted to be more Impressionist.

Now years later I feel I am much more Impressionist, yet I still have some cartoon or heavy hand as a draftsman. I used to draw constantly even to the expense of my school work. Over all I kind of like the effect it may produce.

And I can almost copy or paint everything  I see. And That is the key to drawing!

Keep your style out there. And your  brushes wet and your pencils sharp!


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