Thursday, May 24, 2018

Upside down and right side wrong

Monet and many other artist have seen the water with its reflections. But something they also saw was the sky in the water.  The upside down.

If you can't go to Paris to see Monet's waterlily's, as they circle the building they built for it, look at the water or lake or pond near you and notice the sky living in the water.

He saw how the sky and sun rose and set in the waters reflection. And it was a time when he was near blindness.

 Other artist have similar pieces that define them. Picasso and Renoir, Degas and Van Gogh as well as Pollock. All of these artist have one painting that defines them. I believe as an artist we have to keep looking for our masterpiece.

Keep painting and your brushes wet.


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