Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Cowboy and Horse, Ink and Scratch

Lets jump into my way back machine and look at a golden oldie.

I did this picture in 1968, and at first I wasn't sure if this was a project I could even do. Mr Slazier the art teacher (also a D-day Vet) encouraged me to try it. Well as you see I did okay for a kid.

Some of you have not seen this it is a special sheet of paper or film that India ink is painted on a left to dry. Then with a sharp pin or knife you simply scratch in your picture. If you want lighter line or bolder you just scratch more. ( like my dogs)
You can get the sheet of black paper at Blick art store go to Dick Blick .com  and the sheets are all ready for you!

This was an award winning picture for me I picked up a few other awards over the years, including an award for a print makers block. Thank you Mr. Slazier and all our Vets!

I hope you enjoy this one its a little different from some of the other pictures we shown on this page.
Well Kids get your pin and paper and start scratching!
Keep your brushes wet!


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