Monday, November 14, 2016

Japanese Influence via Monet and Van Gogh!

The French were taken with the early 1800's Japanese painters and their spirit of open wind paintings.

No one more so than Monet, his house was covered with these prints and paintings. This lead others, the impressionist, including Van Gogh to begin to pattern some of his paintings after the composition of these classical masters of oriental paintings.

This little painting I have here is in that spirit of the open wind of early spring the sky colors have lots of movement. the branch of the tree lead your eye around the painting.  I have tried to keep balance in this painting with limbs moving up, down and around for a feeling of wind.

If you have a chance to visit a studio of an artist I would encourage you to do so. The influence of his or her creativity will spark something in you. If you can't do that go to a street art fair, Buy a painting it will make your heart feel good and it will bless the painter!

I remember selling a painting one of my first, I was so happy that someone some where wanted to see what my world looked like!  See you at the art fair! Bless someone!


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