Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pines and the Fence

I believe that it is as much what we say as how we say it.

I think of some of the most amazing painters in the world. Like Rembrandt, Leonardo, Monet, Van Gogh, Renoir and about a million more.  Their art said a lot!

J.W. Turner painted his most abstract painting in his older years. Then other painters did their best work when they were just youngsters.

The thing about this skill is it can be learned and is repeatable. Vincent Van Gogh learned to draw at the age of 27 and for the next ten years turned out some of the best paintings ever done by humans. But we ( the artistic community at the time) turned our back on his work because we didn't understand it then.  (1880's) Look at what we accept for art now. everything and anything.

Well with that said I offer my little bit of watercolor today. It is the two trees out front with a split rail fence and that was repeated for design sake. I find my self painting watercolors looser, and that's a good thing.

Also I am not comparing myself to these masters of the artistic world. I am just trying to paint and share with you a few thoughts.


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