Cardinals are our state bird. I draw and paint them now and again. This is a quick sketch or a scribble type of drawing.
A scribble drawing is one where you just keep your pencil moving and scumble over your paper. Nothing is perfect but more or less an image will appear.
I wanted to suggest oak leaf and the male cardinal in the tree. Just a touch of color on this grey paper. Clouds and a flock of unknown birds off to the right.
Well get your scribble paper and pencil our and keep your brushes wet.
A scribble drawing is one where you just keep your pencil moving and scumble over your paper. Nothing is perfect but more or less an image will appear.
I wanted to suggest oak leaf and the male cardinal in the tree. Just a touch of color on this grey paper. Clouds and a flock of unknown birds off to the right.
Well get your scribble paper and pencil our and keep your brushes wet.
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