Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Drama - 4000 looks!

Drama is many times something we create in our lives and in our paintings. It seems to me many people want drama in their life. I'm not that way I like it when its peaceful, when things are going good!

But in painting we need to create a certain amount of drama or interest. I know for a fact that some artist do it on purpose to create controversial tension. Mr. E, Manet painted the picnic scene on purpose to stir up the Salon and the members of the Academe' de Art . Even though he was "not an official member of the impressionist" he was a contributor to their cause.

As for the 4000 looks thank you its been a fun journey, and thank god for spell check. LOL
when you say you know about a subject and participate in it, one must have some background to
uphold his or her standing.

My love of art and art history (especially the Impressionist) was a - and is a life long obsession, and the chance to show off a few of my paintings to you the viewer and reader of this blog - Thank you!

The drama in this picture is the setting sun, the back ground of the trees against the foreground, and our own view. so if you thrive on drama in your  life or enjoy being a carrier of drama to others or like it in paintings have at it but remember - Keep your brushes wet and ready to capture it!


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