Monday, August 28, 2017

Details Matter

I would like to talk about some details of this picture. One you can't see is I made the stretchers and frame work of this painting, and I also put the canvas on it.

I has three other paintings underneath it that have all been scraped off. It has modeling compound also on the last layer.

Finally I put a coat of gesso and magic white on and painted a little Bob Ross style painting. This project has been around for quite some time. I mean Years. The first three pictures would not come together.

I think people see a finished painting and assume that the artist sat down and boom that done. Okay what's next? You see some paintings are inspiration, others are perspiration, and still other are a combination of all you have learned. I heard a person ask a craftsman how long did it take you to do that?
 " They answered 30 years."
 "What?" said the inquirer.
" Yes, two days to paint this picture, and 30 years to learn how."

I guess you know by now that details matter.

So keep your brushes wet and your pencils sharp. It all matters!


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