Saturday, August 12, 2017

Pen and Pencil Balloon

So I get on a kick of painting a thing or subject into the ground. I hope to improve with each drawing or painting. Sometimes it works and then other times not so much.

In the chemo room I am hooked up to my IV for several hours so I set and read and draw. I sometimes get good Ideas. I try to pick up the best of the drawing. This hit me with the pen to outline and show the patchwork ground the quiet floating in the air.

I think the balloon first made an entrance in the late 1600's and early 1700's. By the 1800's the Balloon ride was unusual but not unheard of.  In 1860 during the Civil War Balloons were used to spy on the other side as to troop movements and plans of attack.

I remember in art school I did a patch work ground like this only with the WWI airplanes rather than balloons. I like the distance, ground moving and changing. I like how the earth with mans help is a quilt of different crops and woods.

So Today lets quilt a patch work of earth and sky keeping our brushes wet and pens and pencils moving!


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