Sunday, October 23, 2016

High Watermark Gettysburg. Pa.

I have been to this spot several times, and have drawn it as many times. This was the spot that Confederate General Picket made his mile long charge in the America Civil War.

I stood near the tree and drew the stone wall toward East. I have drawn it from the top of this wall toward the west.

On this day a rolling thunderstorm hit about an hour after I got here. I learned a lesson about painting -not thunderstorms- always have your watercolors ready. Plan on rain, wind, and snow.

When you are painting out side or Plein air, plan on everything and know you can always get back into the car. Unless you have walked a mile then just hunker down and take it.

I love paint this spot. Historically it means so much to me, and artistically it is a fantastic design. The tree, the wall, the point of Pickets charge, the Union defense so many parts rolled into one.

Also for all you water color nuts look at this sky! See the V of the lighter clouds and the blue of the distant sky. How cool! I recommend you go to Gettysburg and see the sights!  Bring your paint and pencils.

Look for me drawing some where on the battle-lines.


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