Thursday, May 18, 2017

Warm and Cool

So many times I talk about fore ground,  back ground, and warm color or cool colors.  Some people have asked about the different meanings in the relation to the painting.

Well it is like this, warm colors are usually  in the front or fore ground. Cool colors are in the back ground. I know that sounds simple but if you look to the horizion you will see thing are cooler and hazier. Notice the far distant trees or even buildings or mountains how they are faint.

Now the closer things are to us the warmer they are, the brighter and stronger we see them. Details are easily made out in fact we see the veins in the plant leaves. This is why I and other painters get hung up on the details, Let it go. If you try to paint each and every leaf and bug in your paintings you lose some of the creative viewership and involvement of your audience. Let them discover with you. That is why in my opinion the Impressionist were so wildly accepted after a while. In the United States in the late 1800's and early 1900's they were what art was. The saying,"Were is American Art? Answer; France with the Impressionist."

I was taught at an early point in life about the color wheel and how the colors worked. warm and cool. I would encourage you to make your own color wheel and discover how it works for you.

Well dip in and get your brushes wet and make a color wheel.


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