Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Natures Composition

Finding the right composition of a painting or drawing is many times the first step in putting it down on paper. Finding a place where it is possible to do that sometimes is harder. In this location with the lake and trees it was easy.

One thing we often hear is the odd, one, three, five, rule; This picture is perfect for this, three trees and then one and one again for a total of five.
In your home decor you would want that.

 Okay now look at the darks in the distance and the reflection in the lake. Some things could be left out at the bottom of the bank closest to us. These are things we would start with and need to be addressed.

Lay in the blue sky and the greens of the bushes. Add red to the far trees, this will dull the strong color and add flavor in the far distant trees.

This pix was on the first morning, we got up early and jumped into the day. It's a little after 6 am. The whole area reminds me of photos I've seen of Germany.

Well get out your pencils and dip in with your brushes. Lets paint on!


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