Monday, May 1, 2017

Study of Rocks

I Sometimes just sit and draw, this time it was rocks. I wanted to find out if I could get them just right in my mind. You must see them, the shadows and light places. I added the trees and weeds to make it look like a place in the west.

We need to find place where we can look at rocks or water or what ever you want to draw or paint. Mountains are another thing not everyone can go out a look at.  So if you don't have these things close to your house, keep a morgue, a file of pictures you can look at with all the things I just talked about.

I find I can draw for a long period of time and be happy as a clam. Just drawing and get lost in my picture, the same thing with painting. I wish for you that enjoyment. I know some people do that with exercise but for me it's drawing and painting and this blog.

So lets get lost in our fun stuff. Get them brushes wet and sharpen your pencils!


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