Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dad's Tulip Poplar

I was going to show more of my pix from my Michigan trip but I saw this in my yard. In 19 years I don't remember this tree ever blooming like this.

When my Dad passed away 19 years ago I wanted to plant one of his favorite trees, a Tulip Poplar. This tree has the most beautiful blooms, but like I said I don't remember seeing these fantastic blooms. I have drawn this tree in fall and winter. I did water colors of it in spring. But look at it now.

I like this composition. Shadow and light. The bloom is actually a bright yellow. With a warm orange and cone inside the birds and bees love this tree. The pollinators love this bloom. I think it's interesting this weekend we drove hundreds of miles to find a beautiful spot and right here in my yard I find this.

Well you bet I will paint this at some point. Thanks to Dad for this weekend and this tree! How amazing!

This is why I say keep your brushes wet and ready to go!


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