Thursday, June 1, 2017

Point Betsie Lighthouse

Growing up in the shadow of this Lighthouse it would only be right to visit again. Memorial Day brought us here to give tribute to our veterans of the U. S. Coast Guard.

I see the sacrifice of all our Service Men and Women as something very special. To honor them is only right. This light house is one of many along Lake Michigan to guide the sailors and boats along the Great Lake.

I have painted and drawn this one several times and you have seen it a bunch in this blog. I took a dozen pictures and looked a little close at the details of the house and other property something to add in the next drawing.

I don't remember the trees so large but that is what time will do. Bushes become trees and weeds become bushes. I saw a picture on pintrest of this landscape in wither with Ice and Snow a foot high on the sand with a bright blue sky.

Get your old vacation pictures or your parents photos and look for some neat stuff to draw. I think you maybe surprised at what you'll find.

So keep your brushes wet and paint on.


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