When you live in the mid-west in central America, You gotta love a barn!
So many kinds of barns, they of course came from Europe, the French low cow barn, the English "house" Barn. The Germans with the huge cattle and horse barns.
But in America we use our barns for everything, housing the grains and silage, the cattle and dairy, the hay in the upper mow. The horses and then later the machinery and of course every old barn cat and chicken.
I painted this scene from memory two years ago, lately I finished it with the cows and touch up of the silo.
I thoroughly enjoy the white trim on the red barns, I think this is a Pennsylvanian style probably from the Pennsylvania Dutch traditions.
This acrylic painting was so much fun to do. Hope you enjoy it too.
Well dip in and keep your brushes wet!
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