This is a first attempt at a weed and flower covered fence. I wanted to show the daisy in a loose arrangement. The blue fence to show shadows and depth in a wooded or weed covered area of this lot.
Unlike Picasso I did not go thru a "blue period" I just wanted to show the shadows. Picasso's friend died an he felt the darkness of loss and began to paint in the blue vein.
I used a flat brush for the petals on the daisy, now I would use a filbert brush turned on its side and from the outside in.
The other change I would make is a convex top to the fence post. It looks odd with it concave, but over all I like the feel of this painting.
Well lets keep our brushes wet a paint on!
Unlike Picasso I did not go thru a "blue period" I just wanted to show the shadows. Picasso's friend died an he felt the darkness of loss and began to paint in the blue vein.
I used a flat brush for the petals on the daisy, now I would use a filbert brush turned on its side and from the outside in.
The other change I would make is a convex top to the fence post. It looks odd with it concave, but over all I like the feel of this painting.
Well lets keep our brushes wet a paint on!
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