Sunday, April 9, 2017

Fun Lettering

Not everything is a fine art picture. Sometimes I like to paint these little boards and put cool sayings on them.

This one is a special one because of who ans what it says. Faith and Family! We need both to get by in this world.

I did this on a piece of one inch by five inch pine board, then used old wall paint and lettered it. I then distressed it with sand paper and used an antique varnish to age it.

You can use almost any paint for the lettering, acrylics or oil paint. One could put your family saying, or a different scripture or Idea on the boards for fun. Even a Christmas Saying.

Some people sell these things for a happy buck or two. You could do them on a rock or other substrate, like metal or iron.Think up ways to have fun with it and maybe you can sell a few, let me know!

So now lets get our brushes wet and letter on!


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