Friday, April 28, 2017

Remington - Track in the Sand

This western painting is by Fredrick Remington.
He was a water-colorist and an oil painter from the east and exploded on the America art scene.

He did hundreds of pencil studies of cowboys and Indians, cavalry soldiers and old timers who inhabited the west. In early 1900's the west was changing and a few artist saw this and began to preserve it.

This painting is in the Cincinnati Museum of art and is one of our best museums to visit in the Mid-west with excellent displays everyday.

In this painting he did the rule of thirds, one third open on the left, one third with most of the subjects, and the last third on the right building on the far distant back ground.

The sand stone and scrub brush and far mountains keep this in the yellow tones and the blue sky accents the soldiers and Indians blue clothes and jewelry.

This is one of many great painting on display in Cincinnati go down an take a look.

Well let get our brushes wet and paint on.


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