Saturday, April 29, 2017

Sycamore Tree on Gray Paper

I saw this gray paper and wanted to try an experiment, like every good artist we try new things. The Gray tone paper is already your back ground, and it is a great way to have your middle tones already in your drawing. The sycamore tree is an old tree even spoke of in the bible.

I like the Ohio breed it gets huge and has this green and white bark and thousands of branches. It sprouts leaves later in the spring. I drew this one like a tree I saw near Ohio State University Hospital / The James- Wexner Cancer Center. I added the wooden fence just to see if it would add interest to the drawing. It did.

At the Rife Museum in down town Columbus a few years ago they had an Ohio artist on display who studied in France with some of the impressionist. He painted some pictures with obvious Ohio Sycamores and brought them back here to show and they were fantastic.

Near where I live there are many places I can go to study these magnificent trees! They usually grow very tall and spread their shade every easily. I like them near a farm scene.

Pick a tree near your home, work, or school, Draw it, paint it, or take a crayon and sketch it out. It is how we learn to see nature and what we want to see to draw and paint.

Well lets sharpen our pencils and get our brushes wet!


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